Adriano Zumbo, The Star

The other week some girlfriends and I went to see the Legally Blonde musical at The Star. We dined at Chinta Ria in Cockle Bay (see my review here) and then decided to swing by Adriano Zumbo’s patisserie in the newly (well, new-ish) renovated Star City Casino.  Which is now known as just The Star. I don’t understand the name change. Star City has much more of an impact in my opinion.  Why downgrade a whole city of stars to just one?

Anyway. Back on point.

My friend told me that Adriano Zumbo has a dessert train in Star City The Star.


Like a sushi train but with desserts.

I almost died with excitement.

Unfortunately when we got there it turned out that the dessert train only had about ten chairs around the conveyor belt, a long line and we only had a limited time before show time.

So we wandered through the patisserie instead to grab a few macarons to eat in the lounge.

The store is set up like some wacky, scientific laboratory type thing.  Neon lights and macarons on display in glass cases and all that.

We each bought two macarons ($2.50 each) and then walked up to the Lyric Theatre to eat our macarons while we waited to take our seats.

One of the great things about Adriano Zumbo macarons (or “Zumbarons”) is that they don’t come in ordinary flavours.  No basic vanillas, strawberries or chocolates here. Everything is a bit unexpected and always surprisingly delicious.

My first macaron was Pancakes with Maple Syrup. It was yum, but to be honest I didn’t really think it tasted that much like pancakes with maple syrup. My friends disagreed with me, however, so maybe your opinion will be different also.

My second macaron was a bright blue Malted Milkshake.

Oh my god.

It BLEW my mind.

This macaron was so ridiculously delicious I actually walked all the way back to the store to buy some more to take home for Boyfriend to try.  Unfortunately we didn’t eat this second lot of macarons until two days later and let me tell you – they are nowhere near as nice. Eat them straightaway. Don’t wait.

I also sampled the Peach Iced Tea which was delicious but very sweet and I’ve previously also tried the Salted Caramel which is a definite must-try. Other flavours tried by my friends were  Banana (which had real banana in the centre) and Custard.

What’s your favourite?

Would I go again? If I’m in the area! (Or in Balmain and Manly).